Display funko de Star Wars - inclui as seguintes referências:
67535 pop star wars: swnc - leia
67536 pop star wars: swnc - luke
67533 pop star wars: swnc - chewbacca
67534 pop star wars: swnc - darth vader
67537 pop star wars: swnc - stormtrooper
67584 pop vinil: obi - wan kenobi s2 - obi - wan (pose de batalha)
70749 pop star wars: rotj 40th - luke
70750 pop star wars: rotj 40th - vader(desmascarado)
72175 pop star wars: ahsoka tv s1 - pop 1
76539 pop vinil: ash s2 - pop 1
76550 vinil pop: mnd s9 the mandalorian
76551 vinil pop: mnd s9 grogu w - prama
76552 vinil pop: mnd s9 peli lema w - grogu
56790 exclusivo pop star wars: clone wars - darth maul w - sabre
74030 pop star wars exclusivo: max rebo
67535 pop star wars: swnc - leia
67536 pop star wars: swnc - luke
67533 pop star wars: swnc - chewbacca
67534 pop star wars: swnc - darth vader
67537 pop star wars: swnc - stormtrooper
67584 pop vinil: obi - wan kenobi s2 - obi - wan (pose de batalha)
70749 pop star wars: rotj 40th - luke
70750 pop star wars: rotj 40th - vader(desmascarado)
72175 pop star wars: ahsoka tv s1 - pop 1
76539 pop vinil: ash s2 - pop 1
76550 vinil pop: mnd s9 the mandalorian
76551 vinil pop: mnd s9 grogu w - prama
76552 vinil pop: mnd s9 peli lema w - grogu
56790 exclusivo pop star wars: clone wars - darth maul w - sabre
74030 pop star wars exclusivo: max rebo